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Melting Point Page 2
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Page 2
Stroking her. Teasing her. She could almost feel his presence as her hand began to work faster, her pelvis thrusting against her hand, begging for more, begging for him to be there and relieve the tension that had been building in her for so many months!
She moaned once more, as waves of electricity began to shoot through her body, pulsating between her legs. She worked more frantically, the water splashing gently around her as she brought herself closer.
Harder. Faster. Coming closer and closer to the edge. She needed more, she needed to feel him fill her. Wanted to feel him fill her, but her hand would have to do for now.
She arched her back as a final, massive wave of pleasure came crashing down on her and she exploded on her hand. She cried out as her orgasm overtook her, leaving her spent and somewhat satisfied.
Though, only somewhat.
She needed more. Wanted more. She thought once again of Trent as she held her breath and dunked her head under the warm water. At the present moment the thought of breaking her cardinal rule and pursuing a fellow worker didn't seem like such a bad idea after all. Seemed like a very fine idea, as a matter of fact.
"Wow, Sophia, this place is simply swarming with hot men tonight. How will we ever be able to choose from them all?" Faith commented ruefully as she surveyed the nonexistent crowd. She was quite certain if it weren't for the rock music being spewed from the speakers you would be able to hear a pin drop from across the room.
The bar was nice enough, one floor only with a small dance floor, nothing to get excited about. No strobe lights. No craziness. Just a simple small-town type of bar in a big city. There was probably a maximum of forty people in the entire place, including the bar staff and the couple of bouncers, who stood looking bored by the entrance.
"Well it's still early yet," came the defensive reply.
"How about I treat us to a drink and if you want to go after we finish our drinks I won't make an issue of it. We'll go wherever you want." Sophia extended her newly manicured hand to Faith. "Deal?"
With a roll of her eyes Faith nodded and shook her friend's hand half-heartedly.
"Come on." Sophia led the way up to one of the two bars in the place.
Faith took a moment to look over the patrons and potentials while she waited for Sophia to get their drinks. Her eyes jumped to a group of seven men who were just entering the bar. The first two she didn't recognize, but the next five she knew quite well.
It was Brian and his groupies.
She spun around to face the bar before they could see her. She had no idea why she cared if they noticed her or not, but she did know she wanted out of there. Urgently! Brian had ruined her day; she had no intention of letting him ruin her night as well.
"We need to leave now!" she whispered into Sophia's ear.
"What? Why? We agreed on one drink," Sophia protested, turning to face Faith. The bartender passed them each an opened bottle of beer.
"Fine. Drink fast," Faith said, snatching up the beer bottle and taking a long swig. She wondered if a few beers would perhaps make him tolerable.
"Has anyone ever told you, Faith, that you are one very odd person?" Sophia rolled her eyes at her friend before turning to survey the crowd for herself. She immediately spotted Faith's co-workers.
"Ohhhh. Look. Look. There is some prime pickin’s over there." She nudged Faith in the ribs, urging her to turn around and look.
"No, thanks." Faith didn't need to look to know Sophia had spotted the welders.
"They are pretty fine. Looks like a group of construction boys."
Faith groaned, giving in. Might as well face the music now and get it over with.
"They're welders," she corrected as she turned around and followed Sophia's gaze.
"You work with them?"
"I do."
"Damn, I really should have become a welder," Sophia commented with a wink to Faith. She brought her beer up to her lips and took a drink. “Getting to look at them all day. Mmm-hmm. Lucky bitch.”
Faith shook her head in response, her brown hair swaying with the motion.
"Why don't you introduce me to the tall one, with the goatee. Is he single?"
Pfft. Brian. Sophia sure knows how to pick them, Faith thought though her mouth said, "I'd rather not, Brian isn't exactly the most noble of men."
"Well it's not like I'm planning on marrying him, silly." Sophia nudged Faith once more while giving her a coy smile.
"I'd rather not," Faith repeated, taking another swig of her beer.
"What are we not wanting to do?" a familiar male voice asked from behind her.
Chapter 2
Turning her head toward the source of the voice, Faith's heart skipped a beat. Trent was grinning – that same sweet, sexy grin he’d given her earlier that day at work. He must have wandered in after she’d turned her back to the door.
"I – um." Faith could feel her face begin to redden. The combination of a flashback of the afternoon's fantasy and being caught talking about his brother in a not-so-positive light was enough to make her want to sink through the floor.
Despite the guilty embarrassment, Faith couldn't help but quickly scan him, taking in each detail as her eyes traveled. His red knit turtleneck clung to his broad chest, outlining the defined muscle underneath. He wore faded jeans, but unlike the pair he had on this morning these were devoid of dirt and soot.
Her body ignited, just having him so close.
Trent stepped closer to Faith, his shoulder brushing against hers. The mere contact made her breath catch in her throat. He was close enough now that she could smell the deeply sensual scent of his cologne. It beckoned to her, making her yearn to close the final inches between them and throw herself into his arms.
She resisted.
Reaching across Faith, his arm lightly grazing her breasts under the sheer material of the spaghetti-strap, zebra-print sundress she was wearing, Trent extended his hand to Sophia. "I'm Trent. I work with Faith."
Faith watched as Sophia tossed her long blonde spiralled curls over her shoulder before accepting his hand. She groaned inwardly. Do you really have to be so cliché, Sophia? Though she had to admit Sophia did fit the cute, blonde bombshell image to the letter.
"Sophia; it's a pleasure."
Rolling her eyes, Faith looked back at the welders on the other side of the room. She noted Brian had taken notice of Sophia, eyeing her intently. But of course he noticed Sophia, men always did. She was torn. Brian was a pig of the worst kind, but at the same time Sophia was a big girl; if she wanted to ignore her warning then so be it.
Besides, as much as she hated to admit it, she really didn't want Sophia making a play for Trent.
For tonight Trent was hers. It wouldn’t hurt to at least get to know him, right? The chance at having a friend on the worksite would be a nice change.
Good friend you are, throwing her to the wolves, the nagging voice in the back of her head chimed in. Shush you, the voice, her conscience, shushed back.
As soon as Trent entered the bar, he had spotted her straight away. Wearing a bold zebra-print sundress, with her shoulder-length brown hair falling loosely down her back, she was breathtaking.
This afternoon, he had watched her as he worked, sneaking a peek from time to time. This was the first time he had gotten to work with a female welder so he had been anxious to meet her. What type of woman took up such a dirty and gruelling trade? As far as he was concerned she had to be a tough little chickie to take it up – certainly a woman he was interested in getting to know.
His brother had complained about the woman he was forced to work with. Had complained from the time she began working there, a few months ago, if Trent recalled correctly, that her work was substandard at best.
Admittedly, Trent had snuck over to her station and stolen a glance at her welds when she’d left to have her lunch. What he’d seen had impressed him. She was an excellent welder, which made the pull to get to know her all the more powerful.
When he first entered the bar he was excited to see that she was here. He watched her for a brief while, just within earshot, as she discussed with her blonde friend whether or not they were going to go over and talk to the others he’d come with. He couldn't blame her hesitancy – if truth be known he was certain he would be feeling the same way himself if he were in her shoes.
As he stood now leaning close to Faith, as he extended his hand to the overly flirty friend of hers, he couldn't help but notice the alluring scent she was wearing. Or it might have been her shampoo, he wasn't certain, but what he did know was that he loved it. It reminded him of fresh strawberries.
While her scent attracted him, the sight of her round, plump breasts pushing against the sheer material of her low-cut sundress made his cock tingle. He could faintly see her hardening nipples through the thin layer of clothing, and found himself longing to see them without it.
"Since your friend here hasn't answered your question yet, the man you were pointing out is Brian, my brother. And he is single. But I feel I need to warn you, he’s a bit of a jackass." He stepped back and motioned dramatically toward the group of welders. "That being said, enjoy him as you will. I suspect he’ll welcome you with open arms."
Sophia looked over at Faith, who shrugged in response. They took a moment to do that odd conversation without actually speaking thing women tend to do when a male is in their presence. Faith shrugged a second time and Sophia strutted off in Brian's direction, leaving him alone with Faith.
Yup. Sophia is just the type of woman Brian would fall over his own feet for, he thought with a grin before he turned his attention back to Faith. Brian would have his hands full with that one.
"I was watching you," Tr
ent commented, leaning against the bar.
"I'm not sure if I should take that as a compliment or find it a tad creepy," Faith responded as she turned to face him, her electric blue eyes locking onto his dark ones.
Trent winced. "A compliment."
Faith looked as if she were contemplating which it was for herself, before replying. "In that case, thank you."
"You know, I really think I need to apolo..."
Faith held her palm up to stop him.
"The last thing I want to talk about right now is Brian," Faith said, shaking her head. "It's not important. I get enough of your brother at work; thanks though."
Trent had to say, at least to himself, he was slightly relieved that she’d stopped him from starting an awkward conversational topic. He just felt he needed to formally apologize for Brian. When he really thought about it, apologizing for Brian's behaviour had been something he had been doing for so long it came automatically to him now.
"Still... I'm sorry."
It was then that she did something that he never, in his wildest dreams, expected she'd do.
Setting her beer down on the bar she closed the remaining couple of feet separating them, wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her lips up to meet his. The kiss she gave him was feather-light on his lips – so light that if his eyes had been closed, his lips might not have registered it happening at all.
He was surprised to realize it excited him more than a normal full-blown kiss would have. It was a tease, but at the same time a promise of more to come, if he played his cards right.
Trent stood looking down into her blue eyes for a moment. They sparkled with mischief and desire. He took a couple more moments, taking a drink from his beer, to allow the shock of the bold and unexpected move to wear off.
While his mind might have been somewhat shell-shocked by her brazen move on him, his cock wasn't in the least. It sprang to life, eager and ready for action, demanding more intimate contact.
"I can do better than that," he declared, his voice thick with desire.
Faith's eyes narrowed, challenging him. "Prove it."
Reaching out, Trent worked his hand into her thick mane of chocolate brown hair, cupping the back of her head with his hand. Exerting gentle pressure, he urged her mouth up to his. Dipping his head down, his lips claimed hers passionately.
He wrapped his free hand around her waist, pulling her tight against him.
Faith had shocked even herself with her daring move on him, but as she stood held tightly against him, she was glad she had made it. His lips were firm, yet tender as they claimed hers. She happily surrendered to him, her lips opening to allow his tongue access.
Placing her palms against his sweater-clad chest, she gave in to the desire, to touch and to explore his broad chest and muscled shoulders. They were as pleasing to her touch as she had imagined. If only she could feel the bare skin underneath...
She moaned as she began to feel the pulsing of desire between her legs. She felt the hardness of his erection against her stomach when he pulled her tightly against him and longed to feel it more intimately. The world around them seemed to slip away as she lost herself in his mouth and the hardness of his body pressed tightly against hers.
When Trent finally pulled away, he left her short of breath and fighting the urge to clutch onto his sweater and pull him back against her once more. "So what exactly was that all about?" he finally asked, referring to her motivation for instigating the kiss.
"Well. It did stop you from continuing with that very awkward and unnecessary apology." She gave him a wink before adding, "Seemed like the right thing to do. So I went with it."
Trent considered her answer for a moment then laughed. "Certainly my preferred way of handling things." He nodded his head toward the direction of a table, several feet from them. "We have some prying eyes; do you want to sit and at least make it a little harder for them to stare?"
Faith didn't have to ask to whom he was referring. She chanced a glance over to see how Sophia was making out. Sophia had assimilated herself into the group of welders extremely well; they seemed to be hanging onto Sophia’s every word, from what she could tell. She had certainly gained Brian's attention.
Faith also noticed that Trent was correct about the attention they were receiving from the group. Periodically one, sometimes two, would glance over at them.
Touching her elbow lightly he ushered her over to the table, which was semi-secluded. The bar partially blocked their table from the welders' line of vision. The one thing that she really did enjoy about this bar was the fact that the music wasn't so loud that you couldn't hold a conversation.
Once seated, Trent didn't hesitate to jump in with the questions that had been forming in his mind since that afternoon.
"Why did you become a welder?" He braced his elbows on the table as he leaned forward.
Faith raised an eyebrow at him. "Why did you?"
"You first."
Faith leaned back in her chair and took another drink of her beer before leaning forward in her chair, mimicking his position, then replied dryly with a straight face, "To meet lots of hot, sexy welders."
Trent cocked his head to the side, trying to decide if she was joking or if that was indeed the reason. It certainly might be a draw for any woman inclined toward that type of work. He quickly decided on the former, replying: "Same here."
Faith's smile widened as she sat back in her chair and folded her arms across her chest. She eyed him suspiciously. "Really, now?" She wasn't about to let it go quite yet.
"Yes. I just can't get enough of those beefy men, covered in soot and reeking of smoke." He paused for a moment, turning thoughtful. "Seriously though, why?"
Faith laughed. "It was a stupid reason, and I get embarrassed talking about it."
"Try me."
"Well. I was eighteen, just out of high school. I had the marks for university, but just had no idea what I wanted to do."
"And..." he prompted.
"And. Sooo. I went down to the local college, it was late in the summer so all the courses were full, but there was a single spot in the welding course. Also, the college was offering a scholarship to women in male trades and it was up for grabs, all expenses paid. I had nothing to lose. It just so happened that not only did I enjoy it, but I was pretty damned good at it as well."
"But you had an uncle or relative that was a welder and so you knew it was for you?" He shrugged, deciding that was reasonable.
Faith laughed, slightly embarrassed. "Nope. Had no idea what a welding machine looked like or anything about welding. In truth, I hadn't even picked up a hacksaw or used a piece of shop equipment until I took that course."
"So you ended up enjoying it?"
"Well, I'm still doing it... so...." With a shy smile she spread her arms out as she shrugged at him. "So what's your story?"
"Brother is a welder. Father was a welder. Uncle was a welder. It seems to run in the family."
"Fascinating," she teased, her eyes gleaming with amusement. She happened to glance over at Sophia and the men at the welders’ table. Before she could divert her attention back to Trent, Sophia began to wave, urging them to come over. Faith gave her a slight shake of her head, hoping Sophia would let it go.
Turning his head, Trent also took notice of Sophia. In response, Sophia’s smile widened, and she waved and gestured for him to relocate. He turned his attention back to Faith. "Did you want to?" He motioned to the group across the room.
She shook her head no, but then noticed that the attention of the whole table was now focused on them, especially Brian’s.
If you don't it'll just be something more he can use against you, she thought to herself. The snotty ice queen couldn’t even take a minute to say hi, he’d say to the guys at work.
With a sigh and a nod, "Let's go." She slung her tiny black rhinestone purse over her shoulder, took hold of the beer she was still nursing and stood.
Trent reached across the table to take hold of her bare forearm, not yet attempting to rise out of his chair. "Are you sure?" He shrugged and said, "I'm not that keen on Brian and his band of merry drunks."